lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Requiem for a dream [film]

I wanted to know what it would be like to go through an addiction.
I looked up 'best films addiction'
So there it went, 101 minutes of a clear picture.

I guess that's the strongest type of addiction a person can go through. I have a personal friend who went through a similar help although with (I am guessing) more help from family and friends than the characters of the film.

In the end, all that the mother wanted was that love and close relationship with her son. She could have had it if they both listened.

One of the most impacting images is the last one of the Tyronne who cuddles into a little ball, like a child.

It portrays how fragile we are in the end.
How small and yet all-encompassing our inner world and mind is and appears to be.

How we seek so desperately that feeling of bliss, love, connection, purpose (as Sara Goldfarb said, it gives me a reason to lose weight).

I have never been addicted to any drug. But I am certainly aware of looking to substances to make us feel better. Everything ranging from alcohol, coffee, chocolate, cookies, etc. Who decides which substances are deamed acceptable and which don't?

I think our best guide in our lives can be found in our communion either with nature or your own self in silence.

I don't know why, I feel that we all are a little lost. Yet we have the answers inside. I'd love to write a coherent response after watching this film but this is response is what rose immediately. I'd rather not meddle with it as of now.

Before watching this film I saw a beautiful youtube video on addiction: "addiction begins with pain and ends with pain." Instead of asking why, or who's to blaim, it's best to help the person be with their pain instead of trying to run away from it. 'The sure

Addictions are attempts to soothe the pain.

So it all links back to what seems to be our everlasting quest for happiness. Thinner? Richer? Smarter? Braver? Invincible.

These things I say to myself:
Then get to know your self, that's a quest of a lifetime. And commune with nature, it's the simplest way to connect back. Or help out, be there for somebody else (this helps to burst the bubble that your inner world is so goddam important). You're one in
But you're also here. Now. So there must be something to do, something to learn? Something to give, something to improve, something to shine on focus. Who knows. 
You do. If you start listening.

ALSO, this is a really good video on addiction, at least I read the description, haven't seen it all.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

QUOTES The Tempest

We are such stuff
as dreams are made on,
and our little life
is rounded with a sleep.

O wonder
how many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in't.