Zeitgeist states that basically all the stories of the bible are copied from pagan rituals, ceremonies and traditions. So the historical Jesus might have not actually existed, just made up to mimic the story of Horus, the Sun God of Egypt. Meaning it all comes down to the movements of the sun across the starry sky.
The video is extremely interesting as it states similarities between veneered people throughout history; even Krishna (900BC) and Mithra (1200 BC, Persia), as well as Jesus Christ. Apparently all these characters where born of a virgin, performed miracles, died and after 3 days resurrected. I wont tell you anything more about the video, you can watch it yourself, which will be much more didactic. Click here to see the video.
For those who have watched it:
This video does not have to be a shocking display of information in terms of spirituality. What if the Jesus from Christianity did not really exist? Does that take away the credibility of your spiritual life?
I do believe that in the past Christianity was used as a medium to control the people and exercise power. The inquisition and crusades as probably the two strongest examples. I believe religion is helpful when it comes to encouraging people to become better human beings and search for the light, or inner peace or God within themselves. But, as I said, a religion loses this whenever it tries to judge what's right, what's wrong and, well, control people.
In truth, I do not follow any religion altogether. I find it a bit presumptuous to even think that one doctrine can be a perfect fit for more than one person. Isn't each person unique? Each person has his or her own path to follow anyways; each person will experience falls and moments of truth or discovery.
Therefore, religions might become fragile in the eye of a historian or scientist, or anyone. We have to remember that all the spiritual leaders (let's not question their existence right this instant to get to the point) said that we should not worship them as physical beings. We should admire their teachings; the truths that helped the people 'see' God/whatevernameyouwanttochoose.
Buddha said so, yet people still do pilgrimages to where parts of his body lie. I am not criticizing this, I am merely saying that we should remember what's truly important.
In this sense, if we are made in God's image and likeness, then we have that divine essence within us, with us. At all times.
What is important then is to try to feel that presence of God through us. I believe this can be achieved through meditation which is known as the 'progressive silencing of the mind'. This can be done using mantras, or repeating a syllable or saying prayers repeatedly as with the rosary in the Catholic religion.
By doing this we become aware of the present moment. All our concentration in this sole, present moment, allowing us to not fuss too much over the future or the past. This is the essence of the ending of suffering as well (and the beginning of true life).